A gentleman who owned a small estate wished to sell it. He sent for a real estate agent and asked him to produce an advertisement of the estate. When the advertisement was read to him, he said: "Read that again." The agent read the description of the estate once more, whereupon the owner of the property said: "I do not think I will sell. I have been looking for an estate like that all my life, and I did not know that I owned it."

Well, there are believers just like that. All the flowers that bloomed for them were the fragrant blossoms of truth. All the blessings that smiled upon them were gifts of their church. All the memories of childhood and motherly love trailed around her altars. Yet, some earthly advantage or convenience was force enough to snap the bonds. Now they are backslidden. "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).