Correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to recall that when the prophets use an animal or a beast in their messages it is usually referencing a group of people or a nation. This has me wondering if my longstanding belief that the “beast” of Revelation and the “man of lawlessness” are the same thing is wrong. What if the beast is the NWO? Thoughts?
Marten Perdue
I think the beast is a ‘nation’ of people (Islam) lead by the man of lawlessness.
The nation of Islam is found from cover to cover.
Here are a couple fun facts.
They are not meant as an argument to support my claim.
What is the Hebrew word translated as ‘mixture’ in Daniel?
The one on the white horse of Rev is an archer. Whatever else he is or isn't, there can be no question he is an archer.
Who is the only person in the Tanakh that is said specifically an archer?
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