Thought for Today: Thursday May 05: Day 19 of the Omer:

Moshiach came into a world that had problems much like the ones we grapple with today and every day. To those without the joy of living, Yeshua said: [I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly] – John 10:10. To those who bore the chafing burden of guilt of sin, He said: [Be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you] – Matthew 9:2. To the friendless He said: [No longer do I call you servants… but I call you friends] – John 15:15. Moshiach still comes to us to cleanse our guilt, give us hope for the future and heal our hurts with His Love. So, make time today, sit down with Him and tell Him everything that concerns you. Be blessed!