Recently I left my fathers house to begin building a house of my own. Before doing so, something that was frequently on my heart was how does a man under YHWH run and structure his house? What does it look like to truly live under his authority alone? How do I properly steward the portion that he gives me to ensure the continuation of my legacy?

Knowing YHWH's authority is sovereign, I wanted to know where the worlds authority's fit into things. In my research across multiple topics (Marriage, Progeny, Schooling, Property, Business, Finances, Ect.) I frequently found myself being lead to the same general information regarding the worlds legal system, how it is structured and how it is applied to the individual.

I was recently reading the article below when something clicked for me "You will own nothing and you will be happy." This is essentially how the legal system is already structured and setup. The people of the US are already in this position and don't even realize it. I would highly suggest anyone who would want to call themselves a citizen of Israel read this article and with that said I will leave you with a single question. Who owns your car?

Should a Christian obey government? - Do Not Be Fooled by Government

Should a Christian obey government? - Do Not Be Fooled by Government

Should a Christian obey government? This question has been asked for two millennia. Christians once risked persecution to NOT obey government.