Grant us grace to come near You with faith unshaken and full of hope to confess our trespasses and despise them. Let Your Spirit reprove us for our sins. Enlighten our hearts that we may see how greatly did we err, misbehave, and forsake the way. Grant us determination to forsake evil that we may be established in Your commandments and live to glorify Your holy Name. (Ezra 10)

Our weakness Adonai, gives You continual opportunity for displaying Your strength. And opposition to Your church gives You continual opportunity for displaying your power. Thus, at times of persecution, when we feel weak in the face of our enemies, sustain our heart with your strength, and defeat Your enemies by Your mighty power. And may the blood that Your faithful people shed today become the soil in which Your church grows and flourishes in the future. (Nehemiah 4).

Almighty YHVH, Father of our Maran Rabbeinu Yeshua Moshiach grant we pray, that we might be grounded and settled in Your truth by the coming of Your Ruach Kodesh in our hearts. What we do not know, reveal to us; What is lacking within us, make complete; That which we do not know, confirm in us; And keep us blameless in Your service, Through Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai. (Nehemiah 13).

Almighty YHVH, King of kings, who has called us into a Kingdom not of this world: Send forth Your Spirit, we pray, into the dark dwelling places of guilt and woe. Reach the heart of every oppression, and make arrogance silent before Your presence. Still the noise of our strife. Put to shame the false idols of every heart. Bring faith to the doubting, hope to those who fear, strength to the powerless, and comfort to all who mourn. O Adonai, bestow Your Word on faithful witnesses, so that Your Kingdom may come quickly. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven; through Moshiach our Adonai. (Esther 4).

Abba, I abandon myself to You. Do with me as You will. Whatever You may do with me, I thank You. I am prepared for anything; I accept everything. Provided Your will is fulfilled in me and in all creatures, I ask for nothing more, my YHVH. I place my soul in Your hands. I give it to You, my Elohim, with all the love of my heart because I love You. And for me it is a necessity of love, this gift of myself, this placing of myself in Your hands without reserve in boundless confidence, because You are Abba. (Job 1)

O Almighty YHVH, when our vision fails and our understanding is darkened, when the ways of life seem hard and brightness of life is gone, grant to us the wisdom that deepens faith and enlarges trust. And whenever the ways in nature or in the soul are hard to understand, then may our quiet confidence, our patient trust, our living faith in You be great. . . . May we with a quiet mind at all times put our trust in You. (Job 12).

O YHVH, our great Companion, You are the light of minds that know You, the life of souls that love You and the strength of wills that serve You: Help us so to know You that we may truly love You, so to love You that we may fully serve You, who to serve is perfect freedom; through Yeshua Moshiach. (Job 28).

Hear us, O YHVH, the Father of our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. Through Your Name the sea is calmed, the fire is quenched, and the grave and death are brought to nothing. You comfort those who are oppressed; You heal those who are suffering; those who are lost in the sea, You come to their aid. In like manner my Adonai, also come to help and deliver us from this time. For You are the true YHVH, the Help of those who are oppressed and in tribulation; and Yours is the power and the glory forever. (Job 37).

O YHVH, the King eternal, who divides the day from the darkness and turns the shadow of death into morning, drive far from us all wrong desires, incline our heart to keep Your law, and guide our feet into the way of peace; that, having done Your will with cheerfulness while it was day, we may, when night comes, rejoice and give You thanks. (Psalms 5).

I thank You, my Elohim and King Most High, that You have given me these joys in Your creation, this ecstasy over the works of Your hands. I have made known the glory of Your works to men as far as my finite spirit was able to comprehend Your infinity. If I have said anything wholly unworthy of You or have aspired after my own glory, graciously forgive me. (Psalms 8).

O Most High, Almighty, and wonderful YHVH, to You belongs praise, glory, honour, and all blessing! Praised be my Adonai Eloheinu and His creatures and especially for the sun, who brings us the day and who brings us the light; fair is he and shines with very great splendour; O Adonai, he points us to You! (Psalms 19)

Grant us, we pray, the lost who hunger and thirst after righteousness; the longing for YHVH. Grant to us that drawing power by which everything in us shall call for You. Become necessary to us. With the morning and evening light, at noon and at midnight, may we feel the need of Your companionship. . . . Though You do not speak as man speaks, yet You can call out to us; and the soul shall know Your presence and shall understand by its own self what You mean. Grant to us this witness of the Spirit, this communion of the soul with You; and not only once or twice: May we abide in the light. (Psalms 27).

I confess Adonai, with thanksgiving that You have made me in Your image so that I can remember You, think of You, and love You. But that image is so worn and blotted out by faults, and darkened by the smoke of sin that it cannot do that for which it was made unless You renew and refashion it. Adonai, I am not trying to make my way to Your height, for my understanding is in no way equal to that, but I do desire to understand a little of Your truth, which my heart already believes and loves. (Psalms 51).

As the hand is made for holding and the eye for seeing, You have fashioned me for joy. Share with me the vision that shall find it everywhere: in the wild violet’s beauty; in the lark’s melody; in the face of a steadfast man; in a child’s smile; in a mother’s love; in the purity of Yeshua. (Psalms 65).

O Adonai Yeshua Moshiach, very bright Sun of the world, ever rising, never going down: We ask You to shine upon our spirit. You have driven away the night of sin and error by your inward light; let us now walk in the light of this day without stumbling. Hear our prayer, Adonai, who lives and reigns with the Father and Ruach HaKodesh now and forever. (Psalms 92).

O my Elohim, let me walk in the way of love, which knows not how to see self in anything whatsoever. But what love must it be? It must be an ardent love, a pure love, a courageous love, a love of charity, a humble love, and a constant love. O Adonai, give this love into my soul, that I may never more live nor breathe but out of a more pure love of Thee, my all and only YHVH. (Psalms 116).

Adonai, help us to love You; teach us to serve You. Give us Your strength that we may overcome our corrupt nature. Grant this day that we may have power from on high to resist every temptation; to confess Moshiach before men and women; to labour steadfastly with a single eye to Your glory; to live in the spirit of prayer, in faith, humility, self-denial, and love; and to walk before You in that narrow way that leads to eternal life. Fill us with love for others. Teach us to do good to all people, to visit and relieve the fatherless and the widows in their affliction. Adonai, for Your Name’s sake, hear us. (Psalms 138).

O sweet and loving YHVH, when I stay asleep too long, oblivious to all Your many blessings, then, please, wake me up and sing to me Your joyful song. It is a song without noise or notes; it is a song of love beyond words, of faith beyond the power of human telling. I can hear it in my soul when you awaken me to Your presence. (Psalms 147).