Are we supposed to let our kids read just anything?

Is it true that we are to give our children a wide diet of knowledge, giving them principles of conduct -- and then let them choose what is right and wrong?

Some people say that our children can "listen to other perspectives without having their faith destroyed" -- and they include a lot of bad books in their children's curriculum because of this.

This is hogwash and very dangerous. Pretend we were living in the biblical land of Israel, around the time of Joshua. Are we supposed to teach our children a wide range of knowledge of how the Canaanites live, then give them principles of conduct, then let them go mingle with the Canaanites so they can learn to choose wisely?

The book of Deuteronomy absolutely says the opposite. We are not to learn the ways of the nations (Deuteronomy 12:29-32), and instead, we are to walk and talk with our kids all day about only right things from the Torah (Deuteronomy 11:18-23). And if someone enticed our children to sin, if we were in Israel, that person would die (Deuteronomy 13). Later in the dispersion, books that were bad were burned by the early believers in Yeshua (Acts 19:19), which tells me what we are to do with bad books. ?

Guard your children! Be a doorkeeper!
