This will air tonight @5pm pacific time :

As we witness the failure of the west and its collapse into a new dark age, many look for a new solution. Some look for a Great Reset; some look for a New World Order; some are simply looking for a bail-out. In all of this, many ask the question: Who shall lead us? Who shall be our guide? Who shall be our king?

Should we consider a dictatorship governed by "scientists"? Would that lead us to a greater condition of health? Should we yield ourselves to the new progress in Artificial General Intelligence, and let the quantum computers do the thinking for us? Should we surrender what is left of our autonomy to a governance of progressives who are leading us boldly into a "diversified social strata" of multiple genders and transhumanistic populations?

Should we resort to the times of the Judges of Israel, when every man was a law unto himself? Or should we clamor for a king, as did the ancient tribes of Yashar'el in the desperation to be like their neighbors? Is there, in all of this, even a consideration of restoring the constitutional republic of the United States? Doesn't that seem like a distant memory now?

When we speak of "law and order" it brings to mind the question "which law"? Shall we follow the laws of secularism, the "separation of church and state" so nobly proclaimed by our own Oligarchs? Shall we divorce ourselves (apostasy is the Greek word here) from the tenets of righteousness in order to follow the mandates of "equal protection" in a world that knows no definite truth, and allows for every kind of human behavior to be protected as a matter of law?

In the catastrophic collapse of our social order, can we find leadership that is not corrupt? Leadership that has not taken a bribe? Leadership that does not break their oath of fidelity? Leadership that honors he who created us all? As Shalomah once said: "There is nothing new under the sun." As we fall from a first world status to a third world status, let us recognize that the failures of man have been seen before, and all empires comes to an end, yet the righteous king remains. As we collapse from an affluent world to a world of hardship, diseases, famine, and deprivation, let us recognize that this too has been seen before, yet the righteous lawgiver remains. As our judiciary reaches a point of depravity that it is no longer able to or capable of rendering true justice or righteous judgments, let us recognize that in all of this, a righteous judge remains.

He who breathed life into our nostrils, who set our hearts to beating, who founded life in the blood, considered the failures of man in his sinful flesh, and planned to bring about a righteous world, when he would make himself manifest as the righteous king, the righteous lawgiver, and the righteous judge. As we look fervently to his arrival, is it possible for us to seek his kingdom even now?

It is. Seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you; ask and ye shall receive. Seek righteousness in the Kingdom of Yahuah, for truly, we have one king, one lawgiver, and one judge. And whether our leaders admit it or not - we are all subject to his rule, his Torah, and his judgment.