This is an insignia placed on people either by YHVH or by the antichrist. Though the phrase is limited to the book of Revelation, a mark was used in Ezekiel 9:4-6. In his vision Ezekiel saw the inhabitants of Jerusalem slain for their wickedness, except those upon whose foreheads YHVH had put a mark. The mark was one of identification for the purpose of protection. The usage in the book of Revelation is quite similar. The idea begins in Revelation 7:3 -- though the word does not occur here, where the 144,000 servants of YHVH are sealed on their foreheads to protect them from the coming wrath of YHVH. This sealing is referred to again in 9:4, where it is noted that the demonic locusts of the fifth trumpet are not to harm those with the seal of YHVH. In Revelation 13 the specific phrase [the mark of the beast] is used. The context is John’s vision of the two beasts. The one from the sea -- Revelation 13:1-10; symbolizes the Antichrist with political power over the inhabitants of the earth. The beast from the earth -- 13:11-18; symbolizes the Antichrist’s assistant, which is the religious leadership dedicated to securing universal worship of the antichrist. This false religious leader causes all to receive upon their right hand or their forehead the mark of the antichrist or the name [compare with verse 12] or the number of the name of the antichrist -- verses 16-17. This mark of the beast is necessary for a person to engage in business or economic transactions involved in physical survival. Perhaps it also serves to identify such people for martyrdom -- verses 7-10. It stands in sharp contrast to the seal of YHVH marking out the servants of YHVH in 7:1-8 [compare with 14:1]. Thus, humankind as depicted in this vision is divided into two classes; those belonging to Moshiach and those belonging to the antichrist. Revelation 13:18 contains a challenge to the church to have wisdom and to recognize what that mark or number of the beast is. Two things are stated. First, it is of a man or refers to a man. Second, his number is 666 [or 616, according to some manuscripts]. The interpretation of this number has been discussed at length by biblical scholars without reaching a general consensus. Many think that it was a first-century cryptic [Hebrew] reference to Nero. In that context of preliminary fulfilment, it would have simply been an appeal for believers to recognize the true nature of the godless Roman emperor Nero as having the character of antichrist and to refuse to give him their allegiance. Perhaps this identity indicates that the number or mark of the beast is an expression of one’s allegiance to the antichrist as expressed in the cult of emperor worship. Thus, it would be this activity of worship and not a literal number on one’s body, that is intended. When the prophecy is completely fulfilled by the antichrist, believers must be wise and refuse to give their loyalty to him through whatever form or test of allegiance this takes. The importance of believers’ steadfastness is shown in Revelation 14, where the faithful 144,000; with the Name of Moshiach and YHVH on their foreheads, are seen standing victoriously with the Lamb on Mount Zion.


A similar vision of those who overcome the beast is given in 15:2-4. Here they are pictured as standing before YHVH singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. There are four further references in Revelation to the mark of the beast. The angel warns that those who receive the mark of the beast and worship him will drink the cup of YHVH’s wrath -- Revelation 14:9-11. When the first angel pours out the first bowl of wrath, this falls on those who have the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image -- 16:2. At the destruction of the beast and the false prophet, the latter is described as deceiving those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image -- 19:20. Finally, those who reign with Moshiach during the Millennium are those who did not worship the beast or receive his mark -- 20:4. In summary, the phrase [mark of the beast] or the number 666, is a way of referring to the identity of the followers of the antichrist in the book of Revelation. Believers are warned not to become a part of those who are deceived but rather to remain steadfast and faithful to the Lamb and to own his name upon their foreheads.