Not every Biblical historical event is given a time that our earthly minds are able to think about. Genesis 1;1, ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” The word for in the beginning is not simply about the start of our existence but instead points to an absolutely perfect time of our Creator’s choosing. Many have undertaken the chore of attempting to establish an exact date for this event. Bishop Ussher places the first day of the creation for our physical universe at October 23, 4004 BC in his writing “the Annals of the World” He achieved this date by calculating the genealogies found in the Bible. Ussher published his writing in 1658, quite a work if you ever have the chance to read it. Exactly when our Creator chose to speak our world into existence is of little consequence considering it will one day be remade and this time it will remain exactly as He intends it to be.