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People typically don’t engage in normal conversation on the topic of ‘evil’, although maybe a glancing discussion when they see something in a news headline or a movie/TV show that portrays something as they perceive as evil. But, do you know how much ‘evil’ is written about in your Bible? Do you know what the true, scriptural definition of ‘evil’ is? How does this knowledge affect your walk of faith.
Rabbi Steve Berkson is one of the small few that would take on the challenge of teaching from scripture about the topic of ‘evil’. You will be amazed and often surprised as Rabbi Berkson dissects the verses from the Bible, one-by-one if necessary, to teach what has been revealed to him and how these revelations will definitely impact your life – both physically and spiritually.
Rabbi Berkson decides to start from the beginning, in the book of Genesis, as he has done in other teachings, and continues through the whole bible to provide a comprehensive understanding of this topic.
00: 00 Intro/Review
08:28 James 1:13 – Enticed by your own desires
13:56 The harder part
18:44 Every good gift
25:31 He brought us forth
31: 04 A ‘vertical conversation’
35:21 The Word which is able to save
42: 08 Become doers of the Word
50:23 Unstained from the world
54:21 James 5:7 – Be patient
01: 02:17 If you are suffering evil, pray
Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Endure and Receive the Crown of Life
• INfocus: The Opportunist
• INfocus: You Sicko!
• INfocus: It’s Not Your Job
• INfocus: You’re Still Wrong
• Do You Know the Father and the Son?
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away
• Are You Saved?
• INfocus: The Most Evil Christian Teaching
• What is Worship?
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