Shavuot draws near

One thing to consider is this is the time of the ripening of the wheat. The pride stands up and the wheat bows their heads. On the flip side of attacks that may be happening, Abba may also be allowing fire (or even allowing the attacks as a fire as he did with Job) to see if there is pride or humility.

I encourage every one of us to let the dross come up and get it out. So that when Shavuot is here we are counted among the wheat.

Abba also made it clear to me what our GOAL needs to be during this time.
It is not tongues of fire, radical manifestations of the Ruach, or signs and wonders, or any of those wonderful amazing things. He wants to give us those for sure, but those aren't the goal. Those gifts will be added to us when we are faithful to have UNITY.
Unity is the goal. The Ruach WILL be there when two or more are gathered in his name (in perfect, or covenant, unity)
Unity is a miracle in and of itself. Not only unity among people, but ALL the people coming to unify with Yeshua. It's the betrothal. Ruth and Boaz (grafted in branch) Rebecca and Isaac (original branch).
If everyone is coming with the goal to Unify with Yeshua then inevitably we will be unified together. And then the Ruach will not hold back.
I believe the two greatest commandments are Loving Abba and Loving People because they are simple, easy to focus on, and are the HARDEST things to do.
So in conclusion, in addition to rebuking the enemy and clanceling his attacks, let's also humble ourselves, let Abba take out the dross so we can come with the humble goal of Unity. I want to be counted among the wheat and filled with his Ruach. Like an amazing loaf of HOLY bread fresh from the oven. Oh man, it smells so good! Being filled with His Ruach instead of puffed up and stale in pride.

I have seen more pride in myself than I would ever care to admit, or imagined was there. I thought unleavened bread was a hard deliverance this year, but the counting of the Omar is a longer fire. Like the wilderness.

Abba reminded me that when I'm doing things I'm doing all of it unto Him. So if I grumbling to clean up after my kids I'm really grumbling to clean up after my Messiah. Whatever I do for them with joy or with complaint, I'm doing it unto Him. That was a sock to the gut just before bed. Lol
