Link to Q&A Session -

On the first Shabbat of the month Rabbi Steve Berkson opens the floor to the local congregants and those listening online to ask questions or make comments about any aspect of our belief.

Rabbi Berkson addresses topics about fundamental Torah-based practices, personal development, gives marital instruction, shares parental techniques and more.

Part 2:
00: 00 Opener/Tithing and those on a fixed income
05:17 Could adultery have a link to idolatry?
15: 06 I feel bad for not going to my grandson’s events on Sunday
21:19 Where should I tithe? To help others locally?
37: 02 What is proper Shabbat conversation?
40:51 Is it sin to not observe the feasts?
44:23 Should married couples give individually if each has their own income?
48:12 The Transfiguration and the State of the Dead/Soul Sleep doctrine
52:42 Respect in the workplace as a teenager
56:53 After His resurrection, why did Yeshua manifest in different places?
01: 03: 01 Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children…

… and much more!

Links to related and suggested teachings:
• Tithing: Appreciating Blessings
• Divorce, Remarriage & Putting Away
• Do You Know the Father and the Son?
• The Millennium & The Kingdom
• Trust the Process

Don't miss out on new teachings every week. Please click on the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing to you.

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