Shabbat Shalom
Specifically those in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, India and surrounding time zones!!
Join us Friday night at 10pm EST for a live Q&A Zoom session with Rabbi Steve Berkson.
Everyone is welcome but questions and attention will be given to the mishpocha in these specific areas first.
If you don't have the link yet, please send an email to zoom@mtoi.org and an auto response will send you the link - If you were in any of the previous meetings, it's the same link...
Hope to see you all there... 10pm EST!!
#shabbat #torah #yahweh #yeshua #elohim #messiah #messianic #torahobservant #mtoiworldwide #clevelandtn #mishpocha
Why do ye ignore the words of Messiah and call a man "Rabbi"?
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