This autumn promises to break the minds, backs and wills of many. I still have a wife to find and go support with what i have and can do (mainly my skills and acquired wisdom)... are you ready? Are your root cellars stocked and your gardens dug in four feet deep to compensate for the sudden extreme temperature shifts of large scale weather warfare? Are your structures reinforced for the man-made earthquakes? Are you ready to fend off feral "formerly domesticated" dogs? Are you ready to keep bandits at bay who want your food and daughters for sport?
Are you ready for a FORCED OFF GRID lifestyle due to a Grid-Down with no forseeable end? Are you ready for a nation without electricity for months at a time?

-- edit: i was prodded to add tags so here goes:
#messianic #outofbabylon #remnant #israel #torah #preppers #areyouready #revelation #tribulation #messiah #preachthegospel #help #your #neighbors


Very yes! Bring it on.
Very no! "Excel Saga" Side Story level Very No!
Sort of between, i dunno yet
I still need friends and neighbors! Network with me!
3 Total votes