The courts ruling today fixed an overreach of power, I.e. that the federal government doesn't have the rights to "control your body," whether you agree with how they legislate to control your body or disagree with how they legislate to control your body. That decision is legally in the hands of the states and commonwealths. You have simply traded one federal government master who abused their power, for another state government master (who probably will abuse their power) a little closer, where your vote (possibly)matters a little more. Don't worry, the government still controls your body, and will still tell you what to, and not to, do. The government overreach at one level has been corrected and shifted to another level. Overall power has been decentralized, which, generally speaking, is better for individual freedom, whether you dislike, or like, the rhetoric on how it was done.

As far as the myths circulating that "life saving abortions" will be ended, generally that is misinformation designed to rile people up. Welcome to politics, it will likely dissapear after this voting cycle, just like everything else we have probably already forgotten about has. Are there some states with dumb laws, yeah. Odds are they won't hold up. Again, welcome to politics. And there are also states with laws similar to the pre federal ruling in place. Know what that means for them, what today's ruling will change there, not a dang thing.

And as far as the majority of abortions not done for a life saving medical reason (I.e. the other 98-99+%), Moloch will almost certainly not tolerate a reduction, so I wouldn't worry too much in the long run. I'm sure we can all go back to painting our eggs to Ashteroth soon.