Due to Myra's shoulder surgery (June 28) I will not be able to post this in the morning. Prayers are appreciated, not so much for her healing but because I am the one who will be the post surgical caregiver... she needs all the prayer she can get for that. So here is tomorrows daily post.
Deuteronomy 32;7, “ Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.” It may seem odd that in the few hundred years after the flood, a phrase that mentions the days of old would be written. Moses reminds everyone how the people had become so corrupted that the Creator nearly cleansed the earth of all life. Moses hoped that remembering the past would lead to a better future. Today’s we see the evil that people do, we should be reminded that this world will be destroyed and replaced with a new earth, perfect in the eyes of our Creator. Preparation to live there begins in the hearts of each of us who are dedicated to our Creator.