Thought for Today: Shabbat July 02:

Anxiety is a result of envisioning the future without Elohim. So, the best defence against worries is staying in communication with Him. When you turn your thoughts towards YHVH, you will think much more positively. Remember to listen as well as to speak, making your thoughts a dialogue with Him. If you must consider upcoming events, follow these rules: 1 – Do not linger in the future, because anxieties sprout up like mushrooms when you wander there. 2 – Remember the Promise of YHVH’s continual Presence; include Him in any imagery that comes to mind. This mental discipline does not come easily, because the human race are accustomed to being god of their fantasies. However, reality of YHVH’s Presence with you, now and forevermore, outshines any fantasy you could ever imagine.