Shalom Shalom family ?

Psalm 92:1-6
It is good to give thanks to YHVH And to sing praises to Your Name, O Most High;To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning And Your faithfulness by night,With the ten-stringed lute and with the harp,with resounding music upon the lyre. For You,O YHVH, have made me glad by what You have done, I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands.How great are Your works, O YHVH!Your thoughts are very deep. A senseless man in his crude and uncultivated state knows nothing, Nor does a self-righteous understand this

Our Heavenly Father and Great I Am, we bring our Thanksgiving unto Your Holy Name and our Praises by songs. Thank You for renewing each day setting all in place for us to be filled with gratitude and joy. Thank You fo the goodness, faithfulness and kindness You have to us. We give thanks for every saving life, sparing us to come in alignment to Your will and plans for us. Every day You prepare the provisions and make sure we are shielded by Your surrendering peace and are in humbleness to all Your love. We pray this day for Your guidance and light to lead us away from evil, bringing us together as one before You. We pray that our children will not cease to follow Your ways and Pathway. Please establish in them a will to serve You and learn the truth. Let them find You in every way they go so that they never forget You. We pray for the nations to know Your Name and every mouth declare You are God. YHVH our Holy and Sovereign God please fill us this day with love to help others to receive Your Ruach HaKodesh and be in Awe of Your word of truth. Please forgive us all our sins and trespasses against Thee and others. As we come in repentance for all we disappointed You with, please cleanse us with the blood of Yeshua HaMashiach. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?