After 50-ish years in churches, synagogues, and home fellowships and 25 years in focused, consistent Bible study, I believe I have identified the one criteria that is most necessary for a believer in Yeshua (aka Jesus) to really getting the most out of Bible study.

It's not learning Hebrew and Greek.

It's not understanding the historical context of ancient cultures.

It's not being able to see the patterns and interconnectedness of everything in the Bible.

It's not memorizing Bible verses or even entire books.

It's not spending hours in prayer every day.

It's not even being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

All of those things are great and will no doubt help you along the way, but the absolutely most important thing is this: humility. It's the willingness to be wrong, the recognition that you will always be a disciple, never the master, that the newest spiritual babe might have an insight that you have never considered, and that the purpose of your study is never just about you, but primarily about the edification of your community and the glorification of the name of our Heavenly Father and Son.