Genesis 2;3, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.” While many of us shorten this verse, we don’t realize that we lose important information. Most simply say on the seventh day God rested and that is where we stop. The lesson is that our Creator rested from His work at creation of our physical universe. He didn’t stop being the Almighty, He didn’t stop being, He rested from and was free from HIs work. He sill was able to continue to be who and what He is. When we limit the freedom that the Sabbath offers us with manmade restrictions, we misrepresent the Creator and limit the things He can accomplish through us as well. On the sabbath we have a chance to take a break from the craziness of the world, breathe and relax, the world and all of the chaos will be there on the first day of the week.