Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, Who has promised us Your salvation through the prophets and that in You we will find healing and peace. We come to You Father for in our coming we turn away from the darkness and enter into the light of Your presence and Your love. Mighty Creator, King and Saviour, we pray for Your Church throughout this world, that it may witness to You, not only in word but also in deed. May the Church reflect Your love for the world and show Your acceptance and forgiveness for all people. We bring before You all who are persecuted for their faith in You and all who are prisoners of conscience. We bring to You all who are oppressed by tyranny or evil. And we pray for those who are driven out of their homes and who have been separated from their loved ones. We ask for Your blessings on all who suffer from poverty or hunger and all who are caught up in war or live in fear of terrorism. We give thanks for those who have taught us the faith by example of the way they live. Teach us also to be a good example to others. Adonai, bless our homes and our loved ones with the light of Your presence. We ask that You bless all who are struggling in their relationships and those whose minds are full of doubt. Adonai, we come to You for renewal and healing, for strength and for light. We ask Your blessings on all who suffers from a disability or who are ill at this time. We think of those who are blind, deaf or lame and those who suffer from leprosy. Not only disabilities of the body but also of the spirit. We pray for all those who have lost loved ones recently and for those who are caring for the terminally ill. We give thanks for Your renewing powers and that You give us life and life eternal. We keep in our minds and our prayers all our friends, families and loved ones who are departed from us. May they rejoice in the fullness of life and in the glory of Your presence. Come Adonai, for our hope is in You. Father, accept these prayers for the sake of Your Son, our Saviour Yeshua Mashiach, amein.