Last year, our garden had somewhat of an unintended "land sabbath" and well... this year, when Spring hit, our yard EXPLODED with dandelions!

( would think I purposely sowed dandelion seeds all over our garden, it was just wild!)

And even though it did end up throwing a wrench into my gardening plans for this year, I found it to be an incredible blessing!

Dandelions are a SUPERFOOD with powerful healing properties! From the tops of their bright yellow blooms to the tips of their deepest roots, this entire plant is edible!!

And, wouldn't you know, I just so happened to discover over the winter that dandelions are one of the herbal remedies that I currently need most right now...especially the roots! (...isn't ABBA wonderful?! The Lord sure does provide in due season!! ?)

So over the last few months, I've been slowly harvesting them and drying out the roots! I plan to make dandelion root tea, roast some of them to make a healthy, caffeine-free coffee alternative, and may even attempt to make a home-made tincture with them, too!

Some of the benefits of dandelion are:
? Fights Free Radicals
? Lowers Bad Cholesterol
? Stabilizes Blood Sugar
? Lowers Blood Pressure
? Helps Digestion
? Improves Liver Health
? Reduces Inflammation
? Strengthens Immune System
? Aids in Weight Loss
? Amazing Source of Vitamins & Minerals

No doubt the Lord created this plant for our benefit!

So next time you see a dandelion pop up in your yard, don't spray it down with harmful, toxic chemicals or weed it out and toss it...

HARVEST it, and take advantage of it's MANY healing properties!

#dandelions #healingplants #health #wellness #herbs #godprovides
