Historically, daughters were not merely given to men as wives, they were often sold to men. These were financial transactions. This is attested to in the Bible. Women are property. It is abundantly clear that fathers own their daughters prior to giving (or selling) them as wives, transferring ownership of them to their new husbands.
Genesis 34:12
Exodus 22:16, 17
1 Samuel 18:25
This doesn't mean that women should be treated as livestock. On the contrary, women are also made in the image of the Most High. Indeed, men are instructed to love their wives.
Genesis 1:27
Ephesians 5:25, 28
Colossians 3:19
Wives, do not be ashamed to be owned by a husband who loves you, protects you, and provides for you. This is good and right. You are his now-priceless property, and you cannot be re-sold to another.