Authority Relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 20:25-28)

Yeshua said that he came to serve and not be served. He is the King, which means he's in charge, so what does that really mean? Yeshua serves his bride (the citizens of the Kingdom) by 1) sacrificing his own life for hers, 2) teaching and guiding her, and 3) being her king. This pattern is an example for all leaders to follow. Family, government, military, business, etc. But especially families.

There's a lot of disagreement about what Paul meant by wives submitting to their husbands in Ephesians 5:21-30, but it seems to me that Yeshua's example makes it crystal clear.

Authority Relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 20:25-28)

Authority Relationships in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 20:25-28)

Yeshua said that he came to serve and not be served. He is the King, which means he's in charge, so what does that really mean? Yeshua serves his bride (the citizens of the Kingdom) by 1) sacrificing