Just a thought tonight:

When you pray, do it with the moment and future in mind. Do not repeat or even think of the past -- the past is done; it cannot be re-done. It is similar when you drive your car, you cannot drive looking permanently in the rear-view-mirror. You will cause accidents. You have to face front into what is coming, where you are going. The same with prayer -- you have to 1) face the future 2) involve Yeshua in your decisions for your own safety and 3) have the same faith that you will make it to where you go. Yes, as in driving, the devil will try to cut you off. He will try to encourage road rage and he will cause accidents but when you face the future with Elohiym, you are sure to be satisfied with the outcome. That is His Promise to us. Be blessed and sleep well with Him in your dreams tonight.