When God begins to do something, He raises up pioneers who are ready to hear His voice and do what He says, even if it seems impossible. Of course, it usually is impossible, which is why only God gets the credit! We see this in the miraculous rebirth of Israel as a nation. That’s why the continued existence of the Jewish people is the greatest evidence that there is a God Who is willing and able to come through on His promises.


Reunion Roadmap 11/12/2022 – Called From The West: The Journey Of Tzefania Pappas, Pt 2 - The Barking Fox

Reunion Roadmap 11/12/2022 – Called From The West: The Journey Of Tzefania Pappas, Pt 2 - The Barking Fox

When God begins to do something, He raises up pioneers who are ready to hear His voice and do what He says, even if it seems impossible. Of course, it usually is impossible, which is why only God gets the credit! We see this in the miraculous re