#remember and do not forget! The biblical commanded forever Sabbath starts sundown tonight! Exodus 20:8 >~ REMEMBER(V) (רוֹכ ז za'khor) AT (ת א et) DAY (םוֹי yom) the~ CEASING (ת בּ ש ה ha'sha'bat) to~ >~ much~ SET.APART(V)~ him (וֹשׁ ד ק ל lê'qad'sho) RMT:& Remember the day of ceasing, to set him apart. 20:9 SIX (ת שׁ שׁ shey'shet) DAY~s (םי מ י ya'mim) you(ms)~ will~ SERVE(V) (ד ב ע ת ta'a'vod) and~ you(ms)~ did~ DO(V) ( תי שׂ ע ו wê'a'si'ta) ALL (ל כּ kol) BUSINESS~ you(ms) (ךָ ת כא ל מ mê'lakh'te'kha) RMT:& Six days you will serve, and you will do all your business, 20:10 and~ DAY (םוֹי ו wê'yom) the~ SEVENTH (י עי ב ש ה hash'vi'i) CEASING (ת בּ שׁ sha'bat) to~ YHWH (ה והי ל la'YHWH) Elohiym~ you(ms) (ךָי הלֹ א e'lo'hey'kha) NOT (א ל lo) you(ms)~ will~ DO(V) (ה שׂ ע ת ta'a'seh) ALL (ל כ khol) BUSINESS (ה כא ל מ mê'la'khah) YOU(ms) (ה ת א a'tah) and~ SON~ you(ms) (ךָ נ בוּ u'vin'kha) and~ DAUGHTER~ you(ms) (ךָ ת בוּ u'vi'te'kha) SERVANT~ you(ms) (ךָ ד ב ע av'de'kha) and~ BONDWOMAN~ you(ms) (ךָ ת מ א ו wa'a'mat'kha) and~ BEAST~ you(ms) (ךָ ת מ ה בוּ uv'hem'te'kha) and~ IMMIGRANT~ you(ms) (ךָ ר ג ו wê'ger'kha) WHICH (ר שׁ א a'sher) in~ GATE~s~ you(ms) (ךָי ר ע שׁ בּ bish'a'rey'kha) RMT:& and the seventh day is a ceasing to YHWH your Elohiym, you will not do any business, you and your son and your daughter, your servant and your bondwoman, and your beast, and your immigrant which is in your gates, 20:11 given that six days YHWH made the skies and the land, the sea and all which is in them, and he rested in the seventh day, therefore YHWH exalted the day of the ceasing, and he set him apart.
From the jeff brenner mechanical translation of the bible.
