This week's parsha (#yitro - Exodus 18:1-20:23) begins a potential chiasm that spans two books and focuses on God's glory in the Tabernacle. It begins with blessings and curses at #exodus 19:5-6 and ends with blessings and curses at #leviticus 26-27.

- A - Exo 19:5-6 - Blessings and curses
-- B - Exo 20:1-11 - First 3 commandments
--- C - Exo 23:10-11 - Release and jubilee
---- D - Exo 21:12, Ex 23-25 - Blasphemer and justice
----- E - Exo 25:30, 27:20-21 - Menorah and showbread
------ F - Exo 31:12-17, 35:2-3 - Mo'edim
------- G - Lev 1-5 - Animals fit to offer
-------- H - Lev 6-8 - Holiness among priests
--------- I - Shekinah and Holiness
-------- H - Lev 21 - Holiness among priests
------- G - Lev 22 - Animals fit to offer
------ F - Lev 23 - Mo'edim
----- E - Lev 24:1-9 - Menorah and showbread
---- D - Lev 24:10-23 - Blasphemer and justice
--- C - Lev 25:1-55 - Release and jubilee
-- B - Lev 26:1-2 - First 3 commandments
- A - Lev 26-27 - Blessings and curses
