On the Holy Day of Shavuot, Rabbi Berkson continues to unpack Romans chapter 12, helping us understand the meaning behind the writing to that assembly of that time and what it has to do with us today.
What does it mean to “offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, which is our ‘reasonable service’?
What does it look like to “think more highly of yourself than you should think”? Rabbi Berkson goes deep into verse 3 to show what that means.
What is the “measure of belief” that verse 3 mentions?
What are the “gifts” that are listed in verses 6-8? Are they “spiritual gifts”?
Rabbi Berkson once again dissects the words in these passages so that you will have a deeper understanding of what Yah expects of you, so that you can do it and receive the blessings.
Related Teachings can be found here:
• INfocus: Do Not Be Called Rabbi
• INfocus: Do You Validate?
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