Praying Psalm 29

Honour your Lord, my wearing soul! Honour your Lord for His glory and strength. Honour your God for the glory of His Name. I will worship my Lord in the splendour of His holiness. The voice of my King echoes above the sea. My God of Glory Thunders. O Lord, You thunder over the mighty sea. Your voice Lord is powerful; Your voice is majestic. O my mighty Protector, Your voice splits the mighty cedars; it shatters the cedars of my enemy. You make my enemies’ mountains skip like a calf; You make their sanctuaries leap like a young wild ox. Your voice O Lord, strikes with bolts of lightning. Your voice makes the barren wilderness quake; my King shakes the wilderness in which my enemy hide. You twists mighty oaks when Your voice sounds from heaven and You strips the forests bare. In Your holy Temple, Your elders bow low and Your angels shouts, “Glory!” Because You rule over the floodwaters. You O Lord are the reigning King forever. Hallelujah to Your mighty Name! You give Your people strength. Bless us then, with Your peace, amein.