May YAHVEH, Who pardoned David through Nathan when he confessed his sins, and Peter weeping bitterly for his denial, and the sinful woman weeping at his feet and the publican and the Prodigal Son, may the same Elohim forgive thee all things… . Have no further care for the sins which thou hast confessed, depart in peace.
(2 Samuel 12).

O YAHVEH, the Source of all being and all joy, give us knowledge of ourselves, our powers and weaknesses, our spirit, our sympathy, our imagination, our knowledge, our truth; teach us by the standard of Your Word, by the judgments of others, by examinations of ourselves; give us the earnest desire to strengthen ourselves continually by study, by diligence, by prayer and meditation; and from all fancies, delusions and prejudices of habit or temper or society, save us and help us, we humbly beseech You, O Adonai. (1 Kings 3).

Almighty YAHVEH, enter our hearts and so fill us with Your love that, forsaking all evil desires, we may embrace You, our only good. Show us, in Your mercy Adonai Eloheinu, what You are to us. Say to our souls; I am Your salvation. Speak that we may hear. Our hearts are before you; open our ears; let us seek Your voice and cling to You. Do not hide Your face from us, we pray, O Adonai. Enlarge the narrowness of our souls that You may enter in. Repair the decayed mansions that You may dwell there. Hear us, O heavenly Father, for the sake of Your only Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, our Adonai, who lives and reigns with You and Ruach HaKodesh, now and forever. (1 Kings 8).

Holy One, You promised the poor and needy ones that, when their tongues were parched and no water could be found, Your rivers would spring forth from the desert to relieve them. Today we thirst; bless us with Your living water. Break our drought; surge through our spirits, that we may live again. (1 Kings 17).

O Heavenly Father, the Father of all wisdom, understanding, and true strength, I humbly ask You to look mercifully upon me. Send Ruach HaKodesh into my heart, not only that I may understand according to Your wisdom how to bear temptation, but also how to defeat it. When I must join to fight in the field for the glory of Your Name, may I stand courageously in the confession of Your faith and truth, being strengthened by the defence of your right hand. May I continue to stand faithfully to the end of my life, through Yeshua HaMashiach our Adonai. (1 Kings 22)

Father in heaven, draw our hearts to You, that our hearts may be where our treasures ought to be, that our minds and thoughts may look to Your Kingdom, whose citizens we are. Thus, when You shall call us hence, our departure may not be a painful separation from this world but a joyous meeting with You. Strengthen in our heart the conviction that in life, as in death, we belong to You. (2 Kings 2).

Gracious Father, we humbly beseech You for Your universal church. Fill it with all truth, in all truth with all peace. Where it is corrupt, purge it; and where it is in error, direct it; where it is superstitious, rectify it; where anything is amiss, reform it; where it is right, strengthen and confirm it; where it is in want, furnish it; where it is divided and rent asunder, make up its breaches, O Holy One of Israel. (2 Kings 12).

Adonai, teach me the art of patience while I am well and give me the use of it when I am sick. In that day either lighten my burden or strengthen my back. Make me, who so often in my health have discovered my weakness presuming on my own strength, to be strong in my sickness when I solely rely on Your assistance. (2 Kings 20).

Adonai Elohim, Avi, we know that we are dear children of Yours and that You are our beloved Father, not because we deserve it, nor could we ever merit it, but because our dear Adonai, Your only begotten Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, wills to be our brother and of His own accord offers and makes this blessing known to us. Since we may consider ourselves his brothers and sisters and he regards us as such, You will permit us to become and remain Your children forever. (1 Chronicles 4)

O Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach, Good Shepherd of the sheep, who came to seek the lost and to gather them to Your fold, have compassion on those who have wandered from You; feed those who hunger, cause the weary to lie down in your pastures, heal those who are broken in heart, and strengthen those who are weak, that we, relying on Your care and being comforted by Your love, may abide in Your guidance to our life’s end; through Yeshua HaMashiach our Master. (1 Chronicles 11).