Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Adonai Eloheinu, Giver of life and Creator of Love. We thank You and praise You for the light of each day and for the light of the Gospel as revealed in our Saviour Yeshua HaMashiach. We rejoice in the life that You give us and we delight in Your presence. Blessed are You Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As we give thanks for the light of Yeshua Moshiach, we ask that Your light may shine in and through our lives and on all Your people. We ask Your blessing on all who proclaim the Gospel and who teach the Word. We pray for all who are seeking to revive and promote faith in You and Your love. May all believers through the world grow in love, in witness and in numbers. We ask Your blessing upon all leaders and governments who have difficult decisions to make concerning the world and who are often not sure which way to go. We pray for all who work to bring peace, freedom and justice to all people, those who seek to relieve the poor and care for the oppressed. We pray for those who feel that they are working in the dark and unable to find their way. Adonai, we ask that all darkness be dispersed from our hearts and our communities. May we help to bring Your light and life to our homes and to all our relationships. We ask Your blessing upon our families, our friends and upon all with whom we work or play. We pray for all who walk in darkness and in the shadow of fear or death. We ask Your blessing and guidance upon the fearful, the anxious and the troubled. We pray for all who are in doubt or despair. We bring to You all our friends and loved ones who are ill or who find it hard to cope with life. We give You thanks and praise for the fullness of eternal life. We ask Your blessing upon all who have loved ones that passed away recently. We ask that You open our ears to hear Your call, open our eyes that we may see You more clearly and guide us that we may walk without fear in Your light. We pray this in the Name of Yeshua HaMashiach that You may scatter the darkness from our world, amen.