Daily Prayer

Blessed are You Adonai our YHVH. Thank You for all our blessings each day. Blessings that we sometimes just take for granted such as to breath, to see, to hear, to love and everyday living. Thank You for daily bread, our daily word and our daily care you provide for us. Thank You for Your Son Yeshua Moshiach that led us out of bondage into freedom. You love every one of us and reach out to help us. We are ever in Your care and under Your protection. We come as a divided people, often full of mistrust and rejection. We do not find it easy to accept the sinful or to forgive our hurts and therefore, we not only ask that You forgive us our sins, but that Your Spirit teach us to forgive those who sin against us, as You forgive us. We often carry a history of hurts and resentment. Wonderful Abba, we come to You for healing and guidance. We come as part of a world where there is much violence, crime, war, rumours of war and hatred. People live in fear of each other or are in battle with each other. There are so many homeless and rejected people, people that are hungry and people that are hurt by others. We pray for all of them and ask that You send Your angels to comfort them. We pray for all that are ill, all with a disability, for those who are near death and for their loved ones that care for them. We pray for all with sickness of the spirit and soul and ask that You will touch them in a special way. We rejoice in Your love and in the love of our families. We pray for all lonely people, all who feel rejected and all who cannot cope on their own. Adonai, we ask Your protection during this day and that You will be our cloud of protection. May Your blessing rest upon all who seek to serve You in truth during this day. Abba, we ask that You bless each and every one on this TTN social group, their friends and their families. We ask that You embrace all of them with love, peace, success, health and tranquillity. We pray and ask this in the Name of our King, Adonai and Saviour Yeshua Moshiach, amen.