We give You thanks, most gracious YHVH, for the beauty of earth and sky and sea; for the richness of mountains, plains, and rivers; for the songs of birds and the loveliness of flowers. We praise You for these good gifts and pray that we may safeguard them for our posterity. Grant that we may continue to grow in our grateful enjoyment of Your abundant creation, to the honour and glory of Your Name, now and for ever. (Genesis 2).

Teach me, Adonai: Not to murmur at the multitude of business and the shortness of time. Not to magnify undertaken duties by seeming to suffer under them, but to treat them all as liberties. Not to call attention to crowded work or petty fatigues. Not to gather encouragement from appreciation by others, lest this should interfere with the purity of my motives. Not to seek praise, respect, gratitude or regard from others. Not to let myself be placed in favourable contrast with another. (Genesis 4).

The rainbow bending in the sky bedecked with sundry hues. Is like the seat of YHVH on high and seems to tell this news; that as thereby He promised to drown the world no more. So by the blood which Moshiach has shed He will our health restore… Unto such joys for to attain YHVH grants us all His grace. And send us after worldly pain in Heaven to have a place, where we may still enjoy the light which never shall decay. Adonai, for this mercy lends us might to see that joyful day. (Genesis 9).

Almighty YHVH, who has given us the privilege of making our common requests to You and has promised through Your well-beloved Son that when two or three are gathered together in His name You will be in the midst of them: Fulfil now, O Adonai, the desires and petitions of Your servants as may be best for us; granting us in this world a knowledge of Your truth and life everlasting in the world to come. (Genesis 18).

Shall I despair of Your mercy, O ELOHIM? Far is that from me. I am Your workmanship, created in Yeshua Moshiach. Give me grace therefore, to await Your leisure and patiently to bear what You require. Most assuredly I know that You will deliver me when it pleases You, for I do not doubt or mistrust You. You know what is good for me better than I do. Hear me, O merciful Father! For the sake of Your Son, whom You willed to be a sacrifice for my sins; to whom, with You and Ruach HaKodesh be all honour and glory. (Genesis 22).

Adonai Elohim, You are with me and You can help me. You were with me when I was taken and You are with me now. You strengthen me. The King Most High I serve is everywhere; in heaven and earth and the sea, but He is above them all, for all live in Him: All were created by Him and by Him only do they remain. I will worship only the true YHVH; You will I carry in my heart; no one on earth shall be able to separate me from You. (Genesis 32).

Adonai, by Your dealings with us, whether of joy or pain, of light or darkness, let us be brought to You. Let us value no treatment of Your grace simply because it makes us happy or because it makes us sad, because it gives us or denies us what we want; but may all that You send us bring us to You; that knowing Your perfectness, we may be sure in every disappointment You are still loving us, in every darkness You are still enlightening us and in every enforced idleness You are giving us life, as in his death You gave life to Your Son, our Saviour, Yeshua Moshiach. (Genesis 39).

Our hope is in YHVH, who gives help. Let us call upon Him, and say: Look kindly on your children, Adonai. Adonai, our Elohim, You made an eternal covenant with Your people. Keep us ever mindful of Your mighty deeds. Let Your ordained ministers grow toward perfect love and preserve Your faithful people in unity by the bond of peace. Be with us in our work of building the earthly city, that in building we may not labour in vain. Send workers into Your vineyard, and glorify Your Name among the nations. (Exodus 3).

O YHVH, whose eternal providence has embarked our souls in our bodies, not to expect any port of anchorage on the sea of this world, to steer directly through it to Your glorious Kingdom, preserve us from the dangers that on all sides assault us and keep our affections still fitly disposed to receive Your Holy inspirations, that being carried strongly forward by Ruach HaKodesh we may happily arrive at last in the haven of eternal salvation, through our Adonai Yeshua Moshiach. (Exodus 14).

May the strength of YHVH pilot us? May the power of YHVH preserve us? May the wisdom of YHVH instruct us? May the hand of YHVH protect us? May the way of YHVH direct us? May the shield of YHVH defend us? (Exodus 19).

Grant me O Adonai, to know that which is worth knowing, to love that which is worth loving, to praise that which pleases You most and to esteem highly that which is precious to You. (Exodus 25).

O Eternal Light shine in our hearts; O Eternal Goodness delivers us from evil; O Eternal Power be our support; O Eternal Wisdom scatters our darkness; O Eternal Pity have mercy upon us, that with all our heart and mind and soul and strength. We may seek Your face and be brought by Your infinite mercy to Your Holy presence, through Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai. (Exodus 34).

I need You to teach me day by day, according to each day’s opportunities and needs. Give me O my Adonai, that purity of conscience which alone can receive, which alone can improve Your inspiration. My ears are dull, so that I cannot hear Your voice. My eyes are dim, so that I cannot see Your gifts. You alone can quicken my hearing and purge my sight and cleanse and renew my heart. Teach me to sit at Your feet and to hear Your Word. (Leviticus 6).

Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep, we have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts, we have offended against Thy Holy Laws, we have left undone those things which we ought to have done and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. But Thou O Adonai, have mercy upon us, spare thou those who confess their faults, restore thou those who are penitent, according to Thy promises declared unto mankind. In Yeshua Moshiach our Adonai; And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous and sober life, to the glory of Thy Holy Name. (Leviticus 16).

Grant us we pray, almighty and most merciful YHVH, fervently to desire, wisely to search out and perfectly to fulfil all that is well-pleasing to You this day. Order our worldly condition to the glory of Your Name; and, of all that You require us to do, grant us the knowledge, the desire and the ability, that we may so fulfil it as we ought; and may our path to You, we pray, be safe, straightforward and perfect to the end. (Leviticus 19).

Adonai, give us hearts never to forget Your love; but to remain there whatever we do, whether we sleep or wake, live or die or rise again to the life that is to come. For Your love is eternal life and everlasting rest; for this is life eternal to know You and Your infinite goodness. O let it’s flame never be quenched in our hearts; let it grow and brighten, till our whole souls are glowing and shining with its light and warmth. (Leviticus 25).

Almighty YHVH; You have made all things for us and us for Your glory. Sanctify our body and soul, our thoughts and our intentions, our words and actions that whatsoever we shall think speak or do. May by us be designed for the glorification of Your Name. And let no pride or self-seeking, no impure motive or unworthy praise, no little ends or low imagination stain our spirit, or profane any of our words and actions. But let our body be a servant to our spirit and both body and spirit servants of Yeshua Moshiach. (Numbers 3).

Bless all who worship You, from the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same. Of Your goodness, give us; with Your love, inspire us; by Your Spirit, guide us; by Your power, protect us; in Your mercy, receive us now and always. (Numbers 6).