I was reading Psalm 50 this morning and for the first time it struck me...

When we work for an income then we believe it is ours and we now have full say on what to do with it. We give Father our obligatory amount as an “offering” and the rest is ours. In actual fact, it still belongs to Father as everything belongs to Him.

It is like when a parent gives their todler money to buy a birthday present for the parent, as their child has no power to "earn" it. The child believes that they gave the gift from their own selves.

In actual fact, the parent gave the child the money so it was the parent's money. The only real impact the child has it to make a decision on what to do with the money they were given and then to spend it wisely. But ultimately, it is still the parent's money.

Hmm, or should I say "ultimately, it is still Father's money"???