A healing prayer to use when you are struggling with envy

Proverbs 14:30 --- Psalm 37:16 --- Matthew 6:33 --- Philippians 4:6-13 --- John 15:16

Healing Promise:
“A sound heart is life to the body; but envy is rotten to the bones.” (Proverbs 14:30)

Healing Prayer:
O Adonai my YHVH, help me to remember that a calm and sound heart is life and health to my body and that all envy, jealousy and all forms of malice are rotten to my bones. Please keep me from all envy. Having Your righteousness is far better than having the riches of the others. Therefore Abba, I will seek first Your righteousness and Your Kingdom, knowing that as I do so You will take care of all my needs. Thank You for promising all of my needs according to Your riches in glory through Moshiach Yeshua. The truth alone helps me to see the folly of envy. Help me to be content my dear Abba. Thank You for giving me peace with You through Yeshua Moshiach my Adonai. Instead of being envious my Adonai, I will let my requests be made known to You by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. This will ensure that I will have Your peace in place of envy. Thank You for Your wonderful peace which surpasses all understanding. Abba, I will let Your peace guard my heart and mind through Yeshua Moshiach. Thank You Abba. Instead of envying others I will meditate on whatever things are true, just, pure, lovely and of good report. These are the things that I’ve received from You Abba and they help me to know that You, the YHVH of peace, will always be with me. Because this is true, I am able to find contentment in whatever state I find myself. Indeed, I can do all things through Moshiach Who strengthens me. Thank You Abba for delivering me from envy and replacing that envy with trust in You. In Yeshua’ Name I pray, amen.