My last comic focused on some "not to dos" when it comes to sharing your faith. So, how can we show our faith in love? I ended the last comic with the phrase "Witness daily, use words when necessary". Let's look at those necessary times.

While early on, I wanted to tell everyone, everywhere about what I was reading in the Bible, now I am more apt to only get into it if the person brings me into that type of conversation. I find these later conversations to be a lot less stressful. A lot less feelings getting hurt. A lot less people not wanting to hear what I have to say.

I try to go into these conversations letting the person know that this is where I am at in my studies. If they have questions or counters to what I am saying, I don't take it as an attack, but a dialog between me and them. I'll answer back and with Scripture for my stance.

Lately, I have been doing a lot of vendor booths out in public for my comics, mainly at our local farmer's market. I was nervous at first because I thought I would be running into a lot of pushback and hostility towards what my comics were saying, but I knew if I did, I wouldn't, and shouldn't, push back in kind.

That hasn't been the case though. I have had so many that are interested in what I have to say and even some relating to things that I tell them the comics are about (like Church vs. Bible being church teachings versus what the Bible actually says).

All this to say, while it is exciting and when we go down this path of doing what the Bible says to do, we lose friends, we lose our church in some cases, we lose family sometimes. All these things cause us hurt and puts us on defense. However, not everyone out there is looking to attack. There are God-fearing people out there doing what they know best to love God, even though their walk may not look the same as ours. We should be aware of that and treat everyone as though they may be one of these people. Who knows, maybe one that is looking to attack will deescalate because instead of coming ready to fight, you are showing love to them.

#bible #bibleverse #bibleverseimages #biblestudy #biblestudynotes #church #christian #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - Being loving

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - Being loving

Torah 4 Churchies: Loving Your Neighbor - Being loving