A healing prayer to enjoy YHVH’s rest

Hebrews 3:6-19 --- Hebrews 4:1-11 --- Matthew 11:28-30 --- Psalm 16:7-9, 11 --- Psalm 37:4-7 --- Isaiah 28:12 --- Psalm 46:10-11 --- John 16:23

Healing Promise:
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of YHVH. For he that has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works as YHVH did from His. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall under the same example of disbelief.” (Hebrews 4:9-11)

Healing Prayer:
Heavenly Abba, I thank You and praise You for the promise of rest that You have given to me. Keep me from all hardness of heart, unbelief and disobedience, for those attitudes will always prevent me from finding Your wonderful rest. Indeed, with Your help Abba, I will strive to find Your rest and cease from my own works. Thank You Abba. Keep me from trying so hard in my own strength that I fail to trust in You. Help me to understand that the real labour of the spiritual life is to enter Your rest through faith in You and Your Word. Thank You for Your gracious invitation to come to You when I am weary and heavy-laden, knowing that You will give me Your rest. This I now do and I take the yoke of Yeshua Moshiach upon me as I learn Your ways, realizing that He is my example, He is meek and lowly in heart and He provides my soul with rest. Thank You Abba, that the yoke of Yeshua is easy and His burden is light. I will bless You O YHVH, for You have given me counsel. My heart instructs me in the night seasons. I will set You always before me Abba. Because You are at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoices in You. This enables my flesh to rest in Your hope, dear YHVH. Thank You for showing me the path of life and for showing me that there is fullness of joy in Your presence. At Your right-hand dear Abba, there are pleasures forevermore. Already I am finding my rest in You. I wait patiently before You now. I trust and delight in You mighty YHVH and I commit my way unto You. Thank You for giving me rest in my weariness and bringing a sense of refreshment to my heart. Thank You for being my safe place of refuge and rest. My heart is still Abba, for I have truly found my rest in You. I know that You are my YHVH and I thank You for giving me Your blessed rest. In the wonderful Name of Yeshua I pray, amen.