I keep seeing the Names come up, except those promoting them are using laughably bad representations.

#yhvh is not pronounced yahuah. Huah in Hebrew is H1943 and means a ruin or a disaster. When you pronounce that, you're accidentally saying Yahweh is a destroyer or Yahweh brings to ruin. That's not really a word and also not something you would really want to say. Ever.

YHVH's Name is explained in Exodus 3:14 but you have to look at Hebrew to understand it. Hayah Asher Hayah is His Name and it means "I Exist" or "Eternal One". So we have to pronounce it in a way that preserves this meaning.

#yeshua is not pronounced yahusha. Hushah in Hebrew is a name that means haste. Putting yah in front of that would mean Yahweh hurries or hastens. What folks are trying to say here is Yahweh is Salvation or Yahweh is our Deliverer. That's Yehoshua and the name of Moses' successor that we call Joshua in English. Yeshua's Name is just "Salvation". If you study this word in the Tanakh (aka Old Testament) you will see many prophecies of the Messiah that are invisible when we use other words.


The Name of YHVH -

The Name of YHVH -

The history of spoken Hebrew, how to pronounce the Name YHVH, what the Name means, and how to keep the third commandment.