In the example given in the comic we see a seemingly harmless tradition and a blatantly harmful tradition. While most might think it is always this obvious, it usually isn't.

We see Jesus/Yeshua talking about traditions in Mark 7, when He addresses the Pharisees about the fact that they are putting traditions above God's commands. He doesn't say that traditions are something to be avoided, just that we shouldn't be holding them at a higher regard than God's commands. In other words, if someone breaks a tradition, we don't count it as a sin.

I bring this up as while going down this path, it is usually found that a lot of what has been taught through the church isn't in the Bible, but tradition. We spoke on God's Holy Days earlier. On the opposite end of of the spectrum we have the traditions of Easter and Christmas. These are holidays that are not found in the Bible, but a tradition that has been passed down. When looking into both of these traditions, we find there are a lot of things that are steeped in paganism and witchcraft. Things that the Bible says we should not be taking part in.

As these are held close to our hearts, we then usually start looking at everything skeptically, but leaning towards the side that everything is "bad". However, this isn't true. There are still traditions that are around that don't have any bad origins and are perfectly fine to take part in. Remember that Mark 7 reference? Yeshua didn't say "you guys do traditions and that is wrong". He was correcting them on the weight they put in those traditions.

If we look in Luke 4, we see Jesus taking part of the Sabbath Portion tradition. A tradition that started around Ezra's time, where every week part of the Bible was read in front of every one. If all traditions were bad, Yeshua would not be taking part of this.

This isn't all to say go looking for traditions to hold onto. Just that if you do come across something, don't just assume the worst.

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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Traditions - Are they bad?

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Traditions - Are they bad?

Torah 4 Churchies: Traditions - Are they bad?