A healing prayer for you to use when you suffer from language disorders (including stuttering, aphasia, stammering, lisping, muteness, etc.)

Proverbs 17:22 --- Mark 7:27 --- Isaiah 32:4 --- Acts 10:34 --- Exodus 15:26 --- Isaiah 53:5 --- Matthew 8:17 --- John 16:24 --- Psalm 103:2-5 --- Malachi 4:2 --- Jeremiah 8:22 --- Psalm 42:11 John 15:16

Healing Promise:
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones” (Proverbs 17:22)

Healing Prayer:
My heavenly Abba, help me to keep a merry heart so that I can experience full health and healing from Your hands. I am convinced that all healing comes from you and because this is true, I ask You to heal me of the language disorder of …..………… Thank You for showing me that healing is Your children’s bread. Abba, You promise in Your Word that the tongue of the stammerer shall be ready to speak plainly. If You will do that, You will heal any speech disorder, for You are not a respecter of persons. You are Adonai YHVH Who is healing me even as I pray. Thank You Abba. I claim Your promises of healing through the stripes of Yeshua Moshiach, Who took all of my infirmities upon Himself and carried my sicknesses away. I believe Your healing promise Abba and it is with joy and confidence that I receive healing from Your hands now as I pray. I bless You my Adonai and my YHVH and I will not forget all of Your benefits to me. You have forgiven me of all of my iniquities and You heal all of my diseases and afflictions, including the language disorder. Thank You so much for redeeming my life from destruction and crowning me with Your loving-kindness and Your tender mercies. Thank you for satisfying my mouth with good things and for renewing my youth. How I praise You that You are the sun of righteousness Who rises with healing in Your wings. Indeed You are the Balm of Gilead. Therefore, I place all my hope in You my Adonai and my YHVH and I shall for ever praise You because You are the health of my countenance and my mighty Abba. In Yeshua’ Name I pray, amen.