Childs Future

Psalm 127:3 / Isaiah 54:13 / Isaiah 55:11 / Proverbs 22:6 / 1 Peter 5:7 / Ephesians 6:4 / Deuteronomy 6:7 / 2 Corinthians 12:9 / Ephesians 6:1-3 / 2 Timothy 1:12 / Proverbs 8:17, 32 / Luke 19:10 / Matthew 9:38 / 2 Corinthians 2:11 / 2 Timothy 2:26 / Job 22:30 / Matthew 7:14 / Luke 2:52 / Hebrews 13:4 / 1 Thessalonians 4:3 / Ephesians 5:22-25 / 2 Timothy 1:13 / Proverbs 13:11 / Proverbs 20:13 / Romans 12:11 / 1 Timothy 4:8 / 1 John 3:8 / John 10:10 / Matthew 18:18 / John 14:13 / Psalm 91:1, 11

Abba, Your Word declares that children are an inheritance from You and promises peace when they are taught in Your ways. I dedicate my child/children to You, that he/she may be raised as You would desire and will follow the path You would choose. Abba, I confess Your Word over my child/children. I thank You that Your Word goes out and will not return unto You void, but will accomplish what it says it will do. Abba, I commit myself as parent, to train my child/children in the way he/she should go, trusting in the promise that he/she will not depart from Your ways, but will grow and prosper in them. I turn the care and burden of raising him/her over to You. I will not provoke my child, but I will nurture and leave him/her in Your care. I will do as the Word of YHVH commands and teach them diligently. My child/children will be upon my mind and heart. Your Grace is sufficient to overcome my inabilities as a parent. My child/children is obedient and honours both his/her parents, being able to accept the abundant promises of Your Word of long life and prosperity. My child/children are godly and not ashamed or afraid to honour and keep Your Word. He/she are convinced that You are the Almighty YHVH. I am thankful that as he/she grows, he/she will remember You and not pass by the opportunity of a relationship with Yeshua our Saviour. Your great blessings will be upon my child/children for keeping Your ways. Abba, I thank You that labourers will be sent into my child/children’s path, preparing the way for salvation, as it is written in Your Word, through Yeshua our Adonai and Saviour. I am thankful that my child/children will recognize the traps of the devil, and will be delivered to salvation through the purity of Yeshua Moshiach. You have given my child/children the grace and the strength to walk the narrow pathway to Your Kingdom. I pray that just as Yeshua increased in wisdom and stature, You would bless this child/children with the same wisdom and pour out Your favour openly to him/her. I praise You in abundance for my child/children’s future spouse/s. Abba, Your Word declares that You desire for children to be pure and honourable, waiting upon marriage. I speak blessings to the future union and believe that my child/children, will be well suited to his/her partner and their household will be in godly order, holding fast to the love of Yeshua Moshiach. Continue to prepare my child/children to be the man/woman of YHVH that You desire him/her to be. My child/children shall be diligent and hard-working, never being lazy or undisciplined. Your Word promises great blessing to his/her house, and he/she shall always be satisfied and will always increase. godliness is profitable unto his/her house, and my child/children shall receive the promise of life and all that is to come. Abba, thank You for protecting and guiding my child/children. In Yeshua’ Name, amen.