4 Horsemen - Rev 6

So, I was brought up (rather "scared up" ) in the church about the 4 Horsemen and the 7-year Tribulation. The movie "A Thief in the Night" was burned into my memory as a teenager.

I now understand that the tribulation only starts at the halfway mark, so after the first 3.5 years. So the Tribulation is only 3.5 years and then that gets shortened or no flesh would survive...

Reading Rev 6:8 with more attention yesterday, it dawned on me that only a 1/4 of the world will suffer at that point. It reads:

"They (the 4 horsemen) were given authority and power over a fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague (pestilence, disease) and by the wild beasts of the earth."

Yes, persecution will take place across the world as per Matt 24, but in some regions more than others as each of the 7 churches are given different instructions to prepare themselves spiritually for what lies ahead.

As example, Ukraine as well as Israel are currently in wars and there is a lot of suffering there, but here in the UK the consequences are higher food and gas prices. Sitting here in my living room this morning, my life isn't being threatened and I don't feel famine. Yet that is what some people in Ukraine and Israel might be experiencing.

So, my thinking is that the impact of the 4 Horsemen are felt worldwide, but the direct suffering is localized. From the 6th seal onwards, it is a worldwide chastisement though...

Am I missing something in my thinking?