This is something I have had in mind for some time now. I've had the first 3 panels of it done for almost a year, if not longer. The outline and dialog of the whole thing has probably been done for over a year now.

When going to create the ATTS for this week, I saw this in my project box and thought I should at least finish this comic. It has been sitting for a while because I am not satisfied with the character art on it. I was trying to use the style I've played with on a few S+N characters that turned out really well. It just doesn't fit what I feel like this should look I guess.

However, the logo for this - I am super into it.

The Straight + Narrow - Agent 7 - Mission 1: License for Grace

The Straight + Narrow - Agent 7 - Mission 1: License for Grace

Agent 7 - Mission 1: License for Grace