We all know the songs and the verses about Jesus being the same yesterday, today, and forever. However, we typically interpret Scripture to say He does change.

I've seen memes going across social media for the last few years along the lines of: If it was a sin 100 years ago, it is a sin today. I don't understand why they limit it to 100 years ago. What happened 100 years that makes it the point in time to refer to on a sin list? Why not: "If it was a sin 4,000 years ago, it is still a sin today" ?

The list of what is and isn't sin was given to us to be written down at Mt. Sinai. God emphasizes that He is giving life and death. Life if we do what He says to do (i.e. not sin) and death if we don't do what He says to do or do the things He says not to do (i.e. sin).

If we had a time machine (and the capability to make him understand English) and went and grabbed Moses and brought him here; do you think after explaining the Messiah he was prophesying about came, he would agree that those commandments God gave him to pass along were now null and void? That all we have to do now is love one another? That essentially, sin has changed and those things that he wrote down as things not to do (sin) were now okay to do (not sin) ?

If you would say yes to that, I would encourage you to go back and read to understand what Moses was writing about. Then read the Psalms. Then read Jesus' words. Then read James. Then read Stephen's account.

Amos 3:7 states that God does nothing without revealing to His prophets, and I will tell you, there is no passage in any of the prophets that states sin will change.

Think about this: If sin can change, that means what is good can change. So, if it was a sin to eat certain animals during Moses' time, but today it is no longer a sin (like what most churches teach), what else can change? It is good to love one another, but what if tomorrow God changes His mind and now calls that a sin? Do either of these accounts match the many verses that tell us He doesn't change?

Many would say "He didn't change, how He interacts with us changed" or "instructions for us changed" or various other things that make it where it isn't God changing, but something else. However, God is our source of good. He knows what is good and what is evil and is the ultimate authority on that. If He says something is life (good) and something is death (evil), wouldn't that be Him telling us the essence of who He is and who He isn't? So, if something that was evil is now good, wouldn't that be a change in His character, thus Him changing?

Something to think about.


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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it change?

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it change?

Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it change?