If there is one thing I can remember being told about sin when growing up in church, it's that I was a sinner. As I've previously spoke about here, the whole idea that we sin all the time, sometimes without even knowing about it. Sin was something that essentially defined us. It was something we couldn't get away from.

We have songs about being sinners. We have phrases that are commonplace about being sinners. We often have sermons start out about being sinners. We seem to have this mindset that has been passed down that revolves around sin.

However, the Bible doesn't teach this. In fact, when we see Jesus/Yeshua talking about sin to people, He is telling them to NOT sin. If He was telling them that, then that would be something achievable, would it not?

The Bible tells a story of being victorious over sin. It gives the blueprints on how to do it.

When we started down the path of reading the Bible for ourselves and we came to the realization we should do the Feast Days, we didn't know what to do. So, we went looking into what does Judaism, the only ones we knew of at the time that kept the Feasts, and what they did. I bring this up as one of the traditions for the Day of Atonement really struck me.

On the Day of Atonement, there is a tradition to have the children write down any sins they know about on little pieces of paper. Those little pieces of paper are then folded and taken down to a stream. Everyone prays about their sin and asks for forgiveness from it. Then the pieces of paper are thrown into the stream. They watch as the paper is taken away from them, never to be seen again. Forgotten.

In Psalm 103, it tells us that when we are forgiven, our sin is taken away from us as far as the East is from the West. We shouldn't be focused on and defining ourselves by something that is being removed from our lives. We aren't sinners. We are people of God. That doesn't mean we won't mess up. But it does mean that when we do, we dust ourselves off and move away from whatever caused us to stumble and then move forward.


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The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it define us?

The Straight + Narrow - Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it define us?

Torah 4 Churchies: Sin - Does it define us?