Thanksgiving and Family
It’s cliché to say things like “enjoy your family while you have them” until it stops being a cliché and becomes reality. In the past few years, I have attended more funerals than I had in my previous 4+ decades of life. We’ve seen people pass at very young ages, in their later years, and a couple in the prime of life. The sorrow is immense and intense at times. Being with grieving relatives is something we must do, but being a grieving relative is a pain we wish on nobody.
I had at least two very large falling outs with my parents during my lifetime. By the grace of Yahweh we were able to mend those rips, despite being remarkably stubborn people. I was close with my mother for years before she passed away last year and am now actively involved in caring for my elderly father along with two of my sisters. My father’s memory is failing very fast so I praise Yahweh I was able to have a good relationship with him before he entered this stage of life.
On the other end of the spectrum of life are our children. We raise them to become independent and productive adults. When they do, we realize what we’ve done as they become independent and successful, needing us less and less. The pride when they succeed and grow in life and responsibility is always contrasted against the reality that they will move away and you will have less and less time with them. There will be joy when they have children and you see yourselves in those kids. There will be bittersweet sadness when you see the traits of your own parents in your grandchildren. And there will be delicious irony when you see your kids realize that you were, indeed, right about most things!
As we gather to commemorate the settlers’ landing at Plymouth Rock and their miraculous deliverance from plague and starvation, let’s remember to give thanks to Yahweh for things both big and small. He allowed this continent to be settled and to become so prosperous that we have become the beacon of freedom for the world. And He has allowed us to have families and friends to cherish these moments with. Through His providence He has given us a day where we may all fellowship with friends and family without any need for doctrinal controversy. Because this fourth Thursday in November is the day our forefathers decided to dedicate as a day of thanksgiving to the Creator of the universe apart from any denomination.
May Yahweh grant you Shalom at your gatherings. May the time with your loved ones be a blessing to all. And may this day bring joyous loving memories of your loved ones who have passed on. In Yeshua’s holy Name.