Hedge Of Protection


Ezekiel 22:30 / Zechariah 2:5 / Psalm 34:7 / Psalm 91:1, 2, 4, 5, 8-11, 14-16 (AMP) / Luke 21:18

Abba, in the Name of Yeshua, we lift up …………… to You and pray for a hedge of protection around him/her. We thank You Father, that You are a wall of fire around ……………. And that You had set Your angels around him/her. We thank You Father that …………… dwells is the secret place of the Most High and abides under the shadow of the Almighty. We say of You Adonai, that You are his/her refuge and fortress, in You he/she trust. You cover …………. With Your right hand and under Your wings shall he/she rest. ……………. Shall not be afraid for terror by night or the arrow that flies by day. Only with his/her eyes will ……………. behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because …………… has made You Adonai, his/her refuge and fortress, no evil shall befall him/her; no accident will overtake him/her; neither shall any plague or calamity come near him/her. For You give Your angels charge over ………………, to keep him/her in all Your ways. Father, because You have set Your love upon ………………, therefore, you will deliver him/her. ………………, shall call upon You, and You will answer him/her. You will be with him/her in trouble and will satisfy …………… with a long life and show him/her Your salvation. Not a hair of his/her head shall perish. Amen