A healing prayer to use when you are worried

Psalm 55:22 --- John 16:24 --- Psalm 62:8 --- Philippians 4:6-7 --- Isaiah 26:3 --- Psalm 91:1-2 --- John 14:27 --- 1 John 4:18 --- 1 Peter 5:7 --- Psalm 119:105 --- John 15:16

Healing Promise:
“Cast thy burden upon the Adonai and He shall sustain thee.” (Psalm 55:22)

Healing Prayer:
Thank You Abba for the healing promise of Your Word, which tells me to cast my burdens upon You, realizing that You will sustain me. I do so now in the Name of Yeshua. As I pour out my heart before You Abba, I realize afresh that You alone are my refuge from worry. Thank You Abba. Therefore, being anxious about nothing, I will let my requests be made known unto You in everything through prayer and supplication. As I do this, the wonderful peace You have provided for me; a peace that surpasses my ability to understand; is truly keeping my heart and mind through Yeshua Moshiach. How wonderful this is to me Abba. Abba I rejoice in the certainty of Your promise to keep me in perfect peace, as I keep my mind stayed upon You and trust fully in You. With Your help, I will do this each step of my way. Help me to dwell in Your secret place Abba and to abide under Your shadow. You truly are my refuge and my fortress. You are my Elohiym and I will trust in You instead of worrying. Through Your grace I will take my stand upon the Promise of Yeshua Who said: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives do I give unto you. Therefore, do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” Thank You Abba. I realize more fully than ever that worry is a form of fear and I believe with all my heart that Your perfect love has cast out all fear from my life. Thank You my Abba. In light of this marvellous discoveries from Your Word, I humble myself under Your mighty hand and place all my trust in You Abba. Because I know that You will always take care of me, I choose to stop worrying and to trust You completely. Therefore, I cast all my fears, cares and worries upon You Abba, because I know You care for me and that You always take good care of me. Thank You for Your Word which is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Thank You Abba for setting me free from worry. In Yeshua’ Glorious Name I pray, amen.