A healing prayer for someone who suffers from a nutritional imbalance (including vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, dehydration, high cholesterol, etc.)

Psalm 4:3 --- 3 John 2 --- 2 Corinthians 1:3 --- Romans 5:5 --- Hebrews 4:12 --- 2 Corinthians 1:20 --- Jeremiah 17:14 --- James 1:5 --- Psalm 91:3 --- Psalm 30:2 --- Psalm 107:20 --- Psalm 119:130 --- Philippians 4:19 --- Acts 5:29 --- John 16:23

Healing Promise:
“The Adonai will hear when I call unto Him” (Psalm 4:3)

Healing Prayer:
Knowing that You are hearing my prayer Abba, I call out to You for healing from the nutritional imbalance I’ve experienced. I know You are able to heal me and I know You want to heal me for Your Word tells me that You want above all else, for me to prosper and to be in health, even as my soul prospers. Thank You for this precious promise from Your Word, which I now claim and receive by faith. Blessed are You O Abba, for You are our Abba of mercies and the YHVH of all comfort. Thank You for comforting me as I battle this nutritional imbalance of................. Thank You also for loving me so much that You have shed Your love abroad in my heart by Ruach HaKodesh whom You have given to me. I praise You Abba for Your Word, which is quick, powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It pierces even to the divining asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of my heart. Its promises provide me with hope and confidence because I know they are all yes and amen in Yeshua Moshiach. Therefore Abba, I claim Your promises of healing for the nutritional imbalance I’ve experienced. Heal me and I will be completely healed. Give me wisdom Abba, with regard to the foods I should and should not be eating. Deliver me from the snare of the fowler. O my Adonai and my YHVH, as I cry unto You, I experience Your healing power. Send Your Word and heal me completely and deliver me. The entrance of Your Word into my soul brings healing with it and it gives me greater understanding and wisdom. Thank You Abba for providing me with all I need to maintain good balanced nutrition in my life. Help me to obey You in this area as in all areas of my life. In Yeshua Name I pray, amen.